Saturday, July 28, 2012

The True Meaning of "Home" - Shelley's Gratitude for Rosangela

July 27   

To say I am not ready to leave Curitiba would be an understatement.  There are so many things to see here, so much to learn and, in a way, it feels like we have just begun to scratch the surface.  Isn’t it that way when one visits a new country, or even a new state in one’s own country?  Yet, in another way, we have seen so much.
We did get a bit of the tourist experience by visiting the Opera de Arame, Jardin Botanico, Museu Oscar Niemeyer and many important sites that provided us context of some of the culture of the city.  But more important than that, our personal tour guide, Rosangela, provided us the context for a deep understanding of life in Curitiba.  From the Green Exchange Program, to a bus system designed for ease of travel, to recycling, we learned how Curitiba is focused on providing the best it can for its citizens.  I will be eternally grateful to Rosangela for the way in which she opened her heart to its very depth and shared her life experiences with us in a way that helped us to get a better understanding of the “real” Curitiba.  

On leaving this city, I think of Rosangela.  I hear her voice, I see her face, I feel her love.  She gave all that she had to this fellowship and I am sure that I would never have gained what I did had I not had the privilege of her presence, her hard work, her heart and her love for her country.  To me, home is being in a place and with people that I love.  I believe in my own heart that Rosangela shared her “home” with us all. 

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