Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Amy's Perspective: So Much Left To Say

Downtown Curitiba, near our hotel

The entirety of the last two weeks have finally begun to settle into my mind, and heart. I approached this experience as I do most in life: one part optimism and excitement, two parts flexibility, 1/2 part gulp for the inevitable. Life unfolds as it wishes, taking you with it as it goes. This experience taught me an incredible amount in a very short time (2 weeks!): You must roll with the punches, but never forget how to punch back.

The wonderful women from Humsol
Our last group dinner in Brazil, missing Julia and Rosangela

The women that I have met have shown me that while certain life changing events can occur to anyone at anytime, it doesn't necessarily determine ones fate. I met women, children, and families suffering from and dealing with the effects of cancer. I met homeless teen girls who were giddy with excitement to show the shelter that they called home. I spoke with public health officials, day care/community center providers, and public servants passionate about their work. I have experienced in the last two weeks what some do not see in a lifetime. I will be forever grateful to ITD and to Leslie Laurie from Tapestry for allowing me this opportunity. It has changed me as a person to the core of my being.

Our three Curitiba hostesses were truly dedicated to this as a way to show their city, their country, and themselves. They opened their lives to us so that we could not only see but feel the true strength of their dedication to women's health and the work they do daily.

Julia carries us through the song :)
Julia, with her strong love of music and family has managed to combine both in a wonderful project. I was very lucky to work with Julia for two weeks at Tapestry while she was in Massachusetts. She started a music therapy program at AAMA, with her daughter (a beautiful singer and Professor of Music Therapy) as the supervisor. Julia is a lawyer, who includes her youngest daughter in her practice. In addition to introducing us to her work at the NGO, Julia welcomed us into her home to spend time with her family, sing, and dance. To those who don't know me it shows how special Julia is, and how much I adore her, that I stood up and fumbled my way through two songs. Her commitment to her family, faith, and work taught me that there will always be a balance between family and work if one has enough passion behind it.

Left to right: Valéria, Shelley, me, and Judy in the State Assembly's President's office.

I did not know Valéria when I first came to Brazil. Valéria is one of the most dedicated and hard working women I will likely ever meet. She adores her two daughters and is equally dedicated to helping families, especially women with cancer, navigate the complicated world of health insurance. Her commitment to challenging the way the health system deals with the vulnerable is admirable to say the least. She lives her life focused on the things that matter to her: her daughters happy and healthy, her family and friends nearby, and those who need assistance always having access to high quality care and legal assistance. Valéria is incredibly funny while always being compassionate, and her appreciation for life has changed the way I approach mine.

Rosangela, far right, and her sister, far left, with other Humsol members celebrate their 3rd Anniversary

Rosangela has more life and energy in her pinkie finger than I think I will ever have in my entire body. She exudes confidence and joy from every strand of her curly hair. She lives life to it's fullest, and with her organization Humsol she has met her match! These people know how to dance and celebrate. We were lucky enough to be in Curitiba for their 3rd Anniversary party. There was so much food, dancing, and laughing that I could not help but think this group knows a lot about celebrating the little and big victories in life. Rosangela, Tonia, and all of the wonderful people from this NGO love life. They want to celebrate every minute we are blessed with. They are dedicated to raising funds, through their breakfast and dance gatherings, for women needing surgery from cancer. Rosangela is an incredible woman and I am excited to hear about where the agency goes from here.

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