Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Brazil from Amy's Perspective

My fondness of Brazil may have started with the warmth of the people, but it grew with the food, architecture, and beautiful environment of São Paulo. We have been busy since arriving early on Sunday morning, and several of us have run into issues connecting to the Internet. Here is a brief visual recap of the first few days so far. A more thorough post on the trip, and the visit to the U.S. Consulate in particular, will come after more time (and hopefully a reliable connection!) to reflect on the experience. 

We visited the Jardim de Esculturas in São Paulo on our architecture tour, which housed beautiful sculptures from the Museum of Modern Art.

Our wonderful guide taught us about the architecture and history of São Paulo.
Street art from around the city.

A view of beautiful São Paulo as a storm fast approaches.

Brazilian hot chocolate. Better known to Americans as pudding. Delicious, hot, chocolate pudding.

A view of beautiful São Paulo during the fast moving storm

Eating, chatting, relaxing after a busy day.

Art sculpture in one of the oldest alleyways in the city. The bags are full of water, and the thin blue tubes drain into trees. The bags are refilled when empty to continue the cycle.

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