Thursday, July 19, 2012

Airborne - Shelley - July 14

My trip began in my little town of Northampton, nestled in the northeastern part of the United States.  The hope of this journey is to learn about the people of Brazil and a country in South America.  
At the airport I met the four other women taking this journey.  While we had only met for a couple of hours before this trip, we are, of course, women, and that says it all.  The conversation was endless and, already, it is clear how our lives overlap and diverge.  After a relatively short flight to Dallas, we lifted off for our 10-hour flight covering more than 5000 miles.  The lump in my throat is noticeable and sends the clear message of how fortunate I am to have this experience.

Among other interests, I am a long time birder.  I am very familiar with the migration routes and the tremendous energetic output of migratory birds. But tonight I am the one in flight to a new land.  I hope my energy can compete with that of our feathered friends so that I make the most of this time.

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