Friday, July 20, 2012

And the Eat Goes On! Shelley in Sao Paulo

We have had colorful and delicious food here in Brazil. Some photos of our Sao Paulo dining experiences are below (I hope).  We ate our way throught this city.  It is amazing how food binds us all together.  Our conversations were as rich as the colors of the food, as beautiful as the presentation, and as meaningful as food itself.

Meals seem to all begin with appetizers.  It took us awhile to learn that, unless you ask not to get them, you get them.... and you pay for them.  And when you finish them, you get more.... and you pay for more.

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Gorgeous pizza selections.

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Oh yes, and you get the basket of breads with the appetizers.  Again, if you don't let them know you don't want it, you get it, and you pay for it.

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Fabulous crab and shrimp souffle.

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More appetizers.  All so good, so we kept it coming.

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