Monday, July 16, 2012

Brazil from Amy's Perspective

After a brief delay due to weather in Dallas, we arrived in Sao Paulo on Sunday morning. Flying over the city put into perspective for me how huge the city is. Buildings packed in together, lined up like little legos on a board as far as I could see. The poor gentleman next to me on the plane must have felt my excitement radiating like an oven working overtime. After settling in at the hotel and getting some helpful tips about finding our way around Sao Paulo, the group went to a delicious restaurant a few blocks away. Despite the language barrier, and with the help of iPhone apps and some friendly patrons, food and drinks were ordered and we all settled into warm and lively conversation. Everyone we have met have been incredibly friendly, patient, and good natured. It turns out a lot can be said from a smile. 

The first day was spent exploring the neighborhood and this new culture that we are in. Brazilians walking about with wool scarves and jackets, dogs bundled up in vests to keep them warm during their winter. Yesterday was a wonderful introduction to this experience and to Brazil. I feel so lucky to participate in this program, and am eager to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us.

Photo above: Getting a bird's eye view of São Paulo from the rooftop pool


  1. Hi Amy
    I'm Shelley's friend Johnna. Glad you guys arrived safely. Please tell her hello. Yes, a smile definitely is the same in all languages. Take care.

  2. You personality radiates from this post, and yes, I shed I tear of excitement for you as I read it! So glad you made to Brazil and are having an amazing time. Look forward to more pictures and lots of fun stories upon your return. Love ya, AKO

  3. Yay, I am so excited for you. Enjoy each moment of your trip. Your descriptive updates are truly awesome. XO's :)
