Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello from Curitiba Brazil! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post! My only excuse is we have been having such an amazing experience and have no had much down time First, I want to express now very grateful I am for this amazing opportunity. The 5 of us have not only enjoyed Brazil and our hostesses but have enjoyed each others company and learned so much about and from each other as well. It was a it sad to leave Cynthia and Leslie as Amy, Shelley and I headed for Curtiba. It felt as though our newly created body had lost an arm. Our conference at the US embassy was wonderful and we enjoyed meeting several of the women who will be coming to the US Our first full day in Curitiba included a visit and tour of the legislative assembly, a market tour and a visit to Valaria's agency where we had warm fellowship and delivered the donated bras and Breast forms. Believe it or not we are going to a football/soccer game between Curitiba and Sao Paolo! We will probably freeze as we were not prepared for the cold weather here but it will be a blast as they LOVE thier soccer here. Regards to all back home Judy Mealey

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