Monday, January 21, 2013

January 17
Today was extraordinary here in Brasilia. I went with Joana--a breast cancer survivor at 30 years old--to visit her plastic surgeon at the public hospital. Joana was inspired by her doctor to take the initiative and found an NGO that supports woman getting breast reconstruction  following breast cancer surgery.  This surgery has been by no means automatic. Far from it, I learned that the public hospital system here is very subject to political connections. The head of the hospital has been replaced several times in the past 3 years-- The doctors who have more political support are able to usurp surgical rooms, anesthesiologists and nurses so that the reconstruction surgeries are denied or delayed. As it is there are significant delays for women-- the surgeon we met with said he could do several reconstruction surgeries per week but some times he sits with nothing to do because there are no operating rooms. He was very discouraged after 28 years as a surgeon and was hoping to have an early retirement. I felt so frustrated for him dealing with the politics of this surgery and the anger many other surgeons show him who are happy to do as little surgery as possible.  When we finished this visit, the doctor called us in to see the outcome of a breast reconstruction he had finished (the final surgery to create a nipple was yet to be performed). The woman was so happy and Joana showed the woman the results of her surgery and the elaborate tattoo of flowers on her breast that she had done. --When we left to head out of the hospital I was filled with tears and emotion  How horrible to wast the talent of a great surgeon and also make women wait so long for a surgery that can restore their self esteem.

---I think about all of you and what an exceptional experience we are having.  My love to you all. 

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